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Safer Healthcare Design

November 11, 2020 at 11:30AM (MST)

This discussion will bring one of the leading voices in healthcare security and his perspective to the big picture of violence and what the industry is doing to combat it. In particular, best practices in design and physical security technology will be shared to help participants better understand how violence in healthcare, particularly patient generated violence, can be prevented and mitigated using the built environment.

Tony will also lead a discussion on security design considerations with focus on how to incorporate the new healthcare security design guidelines recently revised by the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) that have been proven to make hospitals safer. Many of the principles shared will focus on CPTED and the concepts of layered protection that can be easily translated into other market sectors. The discussion on integrating security design into healthcare will include many lessons learned and enhance the participant’s knowledge of the protection challenges facing this critical infrastructure.

This program will be led by one of the nation’s leading health care security professionals, Tony York, co‐author of Hospital and Healthcare Security, 5th & 6th edition and Executive Vice President for the Paladin Security Group. At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will have an opportunity to ask Mr. York questions relative regarding trends and issues facing the healthcare industry.

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Tony W. York, CHPA, CPP, Executive Vice President at Paladin Security & PalAmerican Security and Co-author of Hospital & Healthcare Security

Security expert, business leader, and mentor – Tony brings integrity and warmth to each role he has held to help make the world a safer place.
A visionary and engaging business executive, with a proven track record of developing and building strong client relationships, HSS Inc. grew significantly under Tony’s leadership – in reputation and its ability to deliver safe patient care environments.

Today, he is Executive Vice President for the Paladin Security Group where he is responsible for growing and strengthening the healthcare specific offering for its family of companies – Paladin Security, PalAmerican Security, Paladin Risk Solutions and Paladin Technologies.

With an incredible track record of developing and strengthening security programs, Tony is well-known for being an engaging and influential leader in the healthcare security field. He has had a tremendous impact on shaping the overarching policies and procedures that are widely used in all leading healthcare facilities. He is a Past President and Board Chair of the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety and co-author of Hospital and Healthcare Security, which is widely considered to be the definitive book on hospital security.

The drive behind Tony’s success is his passion to continuously improve upon traditional security programs, while being innovative in keeping healthcare safe. As a result, he has spent a considerable amount of time on combating violence in healthcare, specifically patient generated violence against staff and security teams.

Board certified in security management with the Certified Protection Professional (CPP) designation – while holding the distinction of being the youngest security professional to ever hold the esteemed credential. Along with possessing a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator (CHPA) designation, Tony holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Appalachian State University with a concentration in private security. Following that, Tony obtained a Master of Science in Loss Prevention and Safety from Eastern Kentucky University. A little more than 10 years after serving the protection needs of hospitals, he realized the importance of integrating security principles into the business community, and being more versed in the business of security, which led him to acquire an Executive MBA from the University of Denver while working full-time.

Tony lives in Evergreen, Colo with his wife Cara and is well known for his love of fly-fishing.